A Post- 2015 Cry for Quality Education… But Who Hears It?

With the all but impossible task of deciphering global priorities – let alone goals and strategies to achieve them – the post-2015 United Nations development process got a dose of clarity recently.

Most readily accessible as a web platform, MY World is a global survey for citizens initiated by the United Nations Development Program, the UN Millennium Campaign, the Overseas Development Institute, and the World Wide Web Foundation to allow people from across the world to voice their priorities for the post-2015 agenda. The offline version of MY World is being rolled out in 20 countries to help further capture people’s views.
The initial results are in…

Read more at Global Partnership for Education

Beyond Averages: Averages Inequalities for Post- 2015

Since September last year, UNICEF and UN Women have been supporting an open consultation on Addressing Inequalities in relation to the Post-2015 Development Agenda. This has been held entirely on-line, at www.worldwewant2015/inequalities. A report, aiming to synthesize the many contributions from around the world, has just been posted. The findings will be discussed at a “leadership meeting” hosted by the Governments of Denmark and Ghana on the 19th February in Copenhagen.

We received more than 175 papers for the consultation. The largest number contained analysis and personal testimony on gender inequalities, while others focused on economic issues, disabilities and the experiences of young people, slum dwellers and minority groups. Some of our NGO and UN partners also teamed up to moderate online discussions on these issues. Almost 1,300 people participated in these e-discussions over several months.

Read more at Institute of Development Studies

The Future of the Millennium Development Goals

On February 11th, the United Nations Foundation organized a panel on the United Nation's Post- 2015 Development Agenda, featuring Mr. Will Davis, director of Washington's United Nations Development Programme and Mr. John Norris, executive director of the Center of American Progress.

The United Nation's Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were created "to establish peace and a healthy global economy" by highlighting major issues such as children's health, female empowerment sustainable environment, poverty, disease and development. These goals were created in 2000 and were set to be achieved by 2015. The year 2015 is approaching and the United Nations has so far been doing a successful job in achieving these goals- but what happens after 2015?

Read more at The Global Citizen

UN Women and Post- 2015 Development Agenda

Based on lessons learnt from MDGs as well as based on evidence gathered through work of the UN system, the OECD, and the World Bank, achieving progress towards various development targets very much depends on enhancements of women’s empowerment and gender equality.  Gender inequalities are often reinforced by combination of inequalities in income, unequal access to paid work, lack of property and ownership rights, difficult access to basic services, on ethnicity or disability.  They are detrimental to women and men, girls and boys, families, communities and for society as a whole. The obligation to address and tackle (gender) inequalities is born out of international human rights standards against which policies, including macro-economic policies should be held accountable. 
A post 2015 development agenda should therefore pay attention not only to inequalities (including those gender based), but make their causes explicit, aiming at formulating realistic goals and targets (in various areas, including in economic, social and political spheres) which will lead to reduction of inequalities and more sustainable progress in inclusion.

Read more at UN Turkey

Global Goals for Human Rights and Governance After 2015: Part VI

As discussed in previous blog posts in this series, good governance and human rights are essential to human well-being, and should be included in the post-2015 global development agenda. Rule of law and access to justice are linchpins of these concepts.

Globally, the United Nations Development Program estimates that four billion people live outside the law’s protection, leaving them vulnerable to abuse and neglect. Empowering individuals and communities to assert and realize their rights can ensure that the law protects against government corruption and discrimination, and gives a voice to the least politically powerful, who might otherwise be ignored. Rule of law and access to justice can also acts as a powerful economic lever, allowing small farmers and entrepreneurs the opportunity to protect their assets and enforce contracts. And rule of law and access to justice are universally applicable issues, in rich and poor countries alike, making these goals particularly appropriate for a global development agenda that aims to have far-reaching scope and relevance.

Read more at Council on Foreign Relations

Call for quote for the development and integration of a ‘human translation’ component for Joomla! 2.5

CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation has worked for nearly two decades to strengthen citizen action and civil society throughout the world, especially in areas where participatory democracy and citizens' freedom of association are threatened. CIVICUS has a vision of a global community of active, engaged citizens committed to the creation of a more just and equitable world.

CIVICUS is seeking a freelancer or application development company to rapidly develop and deploy a multi-lingual component for a website developed using Joomla! 2.5.x. The component will enable human based translation of existing and new content on a website developed in Joomla! 2.5.x. The component may be similar to JoomFish.

Specific requirements include:

  • Compatible with Joomla! 2.5 (and upwardly compatible with Joomla! 3.0)
  • Be based on Joomla’s MVC model
  • Will have a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) interface, enabling translators with access privileges to identify content for which translator is available and provide the translation
  • The component will support front-end module positions via which users can indicate their language of choice
  • Where specific content is not available in a selected language, fall back to the website’s main language

Fragile States and the Post- 2015 Development: The Need for Resilience Architecture in the Face of MDG Failure

Fragile states constitute a global development crisis. Government capacity and public institutions in these states are weak and international aid approaches are often fragmented and piecemeal. Extreme poverty doubled in fragile states in just five years between 2005 and 2010[1], and not a single Millennium Development Goal (MDG) has been achieved in low income and conflict affected fragile contexts. The failure of MDGs in these volatile contexts means that the most basic standards of care do not exist for a widening number of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable.

The UN Secretary-General has tasked the UN High-Level Panel on Post-2015 Development to address conflict and fragility as part of its broader mandate to envision development beyond the MDGs. Despite this task, the UN’s preparatory report to inform the Panel’s work scarcely mentions fragility[2]. Instead, it takes up issues shared more broadly among developing countries, such as peace and security, sustainability, and human rights. In order to deliver on its mandate of tackling fragility, the High-Level Panel must significantly elevate this development crisis and seek out new models for resilienceas part of the post-2015 development agenda. Any model for resilience must address foremost the reasons why the MDGs did not work in fragile states.

Read more at Yale Journal of International Affairs

Government of Finland: EU Ministers for Development- post- 2015 development goals and Mali

Minister for International Development Heidi Hautala will attend the Informal Meeting of Ministers for Development Cooperation being held in Dublin on 11 and 12 February. The agenda for the meeting includes, among others, the post-2015 international development goals and the crisis in Mali.

The existing UN Millennium Development Goals expire in 2015. Preparation of the following international development goals is under way. Finland considers it important that during the drafting process the EU acts coherently and supports the UN's responsibility for leadership in the matter. The ministers will also discuss this topic at a working dinner, where the participants will include former President of Ireland Mary Robinson, Special Advisor of the UN Secretary-General Amina Mohammed and USAID Deputy Administrator Donald Steinberg.

Read more at 4- traders

Monrovia Meeting Stresses Poverty Eradication, Equity for Post- 2015 Agenda

A UN group tasked with defining a new post-2015 development agenda completed their second substantive meeting last week in Monrovia, Liberia focusing on the theme of “National Building Blocks for Sustained Prosperity.” Civil society was also actively present, providing their input to the three-day meeting.

The High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the post-2015 Development Agenda (HLP) is a 27-member panel formed in July 2012 by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to advise on the global development framework beyond 2015, the completion date for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). (See Bridges Weekly, 7 November 2012)
Having met twice during the latter half of 2012, the HLP will have one more substantive meeting - dealing with Global Partnerships - in March, before submitting their final report to the Secretary-General by the end of May.

Read more at International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development

Corruption blocking millennium goals for weak, say NGOs

In India, women, dalits and minorities are not going to achieve millennium development goals set by the United Nations for 2015.

Corruption is forbidding these sections from doing so, reveals a study by civil society organisations. 

Releasing a report card on status of millennium development goals on the ground, Wada Na Todo Abhiyan (Do Not Break the Promise Campaign), says that aggregated data on various human development indicators like poverty, health,  nutrition and education mask the real picture.

The real picture, according to the campaign, is that marginalised sections are nowhere near the development goals.

The campaign, which is joined by several NGOs, carried out the study in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Manipur.

Read more at Deccan Herald

Myanmar, FAO to implement millennium development goals

Myanmar government and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) will implement three of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) under a five-year Country Program Framework (2012-16), official media reported Wednesday.

The program will be carried out by the FAO and three Myanmar ministries -- Agriculture and Irrigation, Livestock Fisheries, and Forestry to assist the MDGs No. 1, 7 and 8.

The framework agreement was signed between Myanmar Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development and FAO in Nay Pyi Taw Tuesday.

Read more at English.news.cn

UNICEF, UN Women Update Members States on Inequalities Consultation

The UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) and UN Women, co-leaders of the Global Consultation on Inequalities in the post-2015 development agenda, provided a briefing for UN Member States and Observers at UN Headquarters in New York, US, on 4 February 2013.

Carsten Staur, Permanent Representative of Denmark, highlighted that the High-level Leadership Meeting on Addressing Inequalities, to be held on 18-19 February 2013, in Copenhagen, Denmark, will be the first of a series of Leadership Meetings being organized by the 11 Global Thematic Consultations. He added that the thematic consultations supplement the national consultation process, and will feed into the reports of the UN High-level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (HLP) and UN Secretary-General. He said the Draft Report on the Global Thematic Consultation on Inequalities, already made available for comments, is now being finalized and will be discussed during the Leadership Meeting. The final report is expected to be launched by 10 February 2013.

Read more at Sustainable Development Policy & Practice

Remittances, migration and the post- 2015 development agenda

Last week the UN high-level panel to create a framework for post-2015 development met for the second of three rounds of official talks in the Liberian capital, Monrovia. Amina Mohammed, special adviser to the secretary general on post-2015 development planning and ex-officio member of the HLP on post-2015, said the panel was "going for gold" in its discussions to come up with something to replace the millennium development goals in two years' time, although she admitted the challenges were great.

In an interview, the Nigerian finance minister, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, also on the panel, said better infrastructure and more jobs needed to be part of any future development plan – as well as new ways to pay for it. Traditional donors could not be relied upon for funding, she said.

Also meeting in Monrovia last week were civil society groups, which held their own three-day event. Their talks resulted in a strongly worded communique calling for the panel to consider new economic models and to put equality central in their talks. Women's rights activists reiterated the importance of gender equality in development.
You can read more about the meeting on our future of development page.

Read more at The Guardian Poverty Matters

Forget post- 2015 development goals- a global new deal is what’s needed

Many familiar problems were raised at the Liberia meeting of the UN high-level panel tasked with drafting global post-2015 development goals: extreme poverty, lack of productive employment, environmental degradation and growing inequality. But these big questions are still being met with small answers, suggesting that the international community remains in the wrong frame of mind to meet such major challenges.

A recent Guardian editorial noted how "small", "technocratic" and "fragmented" the discussion within the international development community has become. But it missed a major reason for this: the continued but misplaced faith in "market fundamentalism". This adds to the perception that globalisation is an irresistible force beyond the control of governments, a process driven by countless invisible hands, infallible business acumen and continuous technological revolution, and reaching its zenith with the unleashing of finance.

Read more in Poverty Matters Blog

Post- 2015 Global Water Consultations

As part of this process, a UN-led consultation process ‘The World We Want 2015’ is taking place. The IUCN Global Water Programme is taking a lead role in the thematic consultation on Water, and in particular for the Sub-stream 'Water for Nature and Nature for Water', taking place this week from 28 January to 1 February.

Read more at IUCN

The post- 2015 Panel: An unenviable task

The 27 eminent persons gathering in Monrovia this week to discuss what should replace the current set of Millennium Development Goals have a prodigiously difficult task ahead of them. The process to agree the original MDGs was contentious enough, but the ‘High Level Panel’ of world leaders selected by Ban Ki-Moon to help set new goals when the current ones expire in 2015 face a host of additional challenges.

Firstly, the panel suffer from the benefit of hindsight. The MDGs have been a victim of their own success; dominating global development efforts since their adoption in 2000, they have been criticised in equal measure. Despite being ground-breaking in many ways (a single set of agreed development priorities, an emphasis on transparently measuring progress over time), the MDGs’ most innovative features have also proved their most controversial. As with all prioritisation exercises, the MDGs necessarily de-prioritised a range of other issues which have subsequently come to be seen as glaring omissions: Climate change, conflict and security, jobs. By focusing on a single set of targets baselined to 1990, when many countries – particularly in Africa – were entering a period of unusual turbulence caused by the end of the Cold War, real progress in the past decade has often gone unacknowledged. And by focusing almost exclusively on quantifiable end goals (numbers in school, poverty levels) the MDGs engendered a results culture that detractors argue has been to the detriment of quality, sustainability and equity.

Read more at Labour List beta

Key Tweets from the Post 2015 High Level Meeting in Monrovia

David Cameron arrives in Monrovia to co-chair the Post-2015 High Level Meeting. Watch the video on The Guardian. Visit monrovia2015hlp.org to learn more about the meeting.

This week in Monrovia, Liberia a high level meeting is taking place to look at global development for post 2015 after the expiration of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Co-Chaired by UK Prime Minister David Cameron, Liberian president, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and Indonesia’s President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono along with 27 members of the high level panel will collectively determine the aid and development agenda for the next twenty years.

From the high level meeting several key tweets emerged at the #post2015hlp hashtag.

Read more at Mom Bloggers for Social Good: A Global Coalition of Mothers Who Care

What kind of world do we want after 2015

Sometimes it can feel difficult to make our voices heard on this big planet. But I just found out about a new website created by the United Nations with civil society groups to collect ideas for solving global poverty problems [including water and sanitation] after 2015. It’s called The World We Want 2015. Like the internet and the United Nations, it’s not perfect. Themes aren’t inclusive, not everyone have access to a computer, and allocated time is too short. But if you’re interested in global conversations regarding “development” after Millennium Development Goals expire in 2015, this is a chance to hear and speak about such issues from January 15th to February 15th.

Read more at Water for the Ages

Reaction to HLP meeting on post- 2015 in Liberia

Brendan Cox, Save the Children’s Director of Policy and Advocacy said in Monrovia:

“Today’s commitment from the High Level Panel in Liberia to focus on ending extreme poverty is what we’ve been calling for. It is now critical that the Panel retains this level of ambition and agrees a blueprint that can get us there.
“We know that in order to end extreme poverty, we must focus on the very poorest who have been left behind by growing inequality.

“With ambition and the right approach, the Panel can ensure that we see an end to extreme poverty in our generation.”

Read more at Save the Children

Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation Gunilla Carlson to Liberia for meeting of UN post- 2015 panel

Minister for International Development Cooperation Gunilla Carlsson is one of 26 members on the UN high-level panel tasked with presenting proposals for the global development agenda after 2015, the deadline for the current Millennium Development Goals. On 31 January to 1 February, the panel will hold its second high-level meeting, this time in Liberia’s capital of Monrovia.

The main theme of the meeting is ‘national building blocks for sustained prosperity’, which includes issues of inclusive growth and conditions for business development. The meeting also has a particular focus on the situation in fragile and conflict-affected states. Ms Carlsson will be working to ensure that the issues of democratic governance, political accountability, transparency and the rule of law are included in the panel’s framework. These issues are key to guaranteeing people’s political rights and are also important drivers of development and growth. Ms Carlsson will give one of the panel meeting’s main speeches on the area and will also discuss the way forward with the other panel members

Read more at African Brains: The Home of Intelligent Networking

UK International Development Committee Concerned about Post- 2015 Process

The ongoing process to craft a post-2015 global development agenda should be more transparent – otherwise, world leaders may not want to sign on, a panel of British parliamentarians worries in a report published Tuesday that also identified job creation as the most important goal for the coming years.
It’s the first time since a high-level panel tasked by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon with crafting a followup set to the Millennium Development Goals began its work, belatedly, at the end of last year. And it foreshadows the intense debate that is sure to heat up further as the deadline for reaching those anti-poverty targets draws closer.

The U.K. lawmakers, who are part of the House of Commons’ International Development Committee, are urging Prime Minister David Cameron to use all power at his disposal to engage his peers in the process of crafting measurable targets to guide international cooperation. Cameron co-chairs the high-level panel which is now crafting an agenda to succeed the MDGs, which expire in two years. The panel is expected to share its recommendations with the United Nations later this year.

Read more at The Development Newswire

SBY trip to address MDGs, new trade

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono landed in Liberia as the first stop on his eight-day African and Middle Eastern trip to address economic and multilateral diplomatic missions.

The Garuda Indonesia Airbus A330-300 carrying Yudhoyono, First Lady Ani Yudhoyono and a number of Cabinet members touched down at Roberts International Airport in the Liberian capital of Monrovia at 8 a.m. on Thursday local time (3 p.m. Jakarta time), according to the President’s official website.

The President was welcomed by Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Indonesian Ambassador to Liberia Sudirman Haseng.

Yudhoyono will cochair the third meeting of the UN High Level Panel (HLP) on the post-Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the Liberian capital. Yudhoyono and Johnson, as well as British Prime Minister David Cameron, have been appointed by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to cochair the panel.

Read more at The Jakarta Post

Commissioner Piebalgs Participates in the UN Panel on Post- 2015 Development Agenda

Today EU Commissioner for Development, Andris Piebalgs, will take part in the second UN High Level Meeting on the post-Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) agenda beyond 2015, which takes place in Monrovia, Liberia. The meeting will be co-chaired by David Cameron, UK Prime Minister, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of Indonesia.

This meeting will focus on the lessons learnt from the implementation of the current set of MDGs and further elaborate on the principles and main elements of a post-2015 agenda. This will bring the panel one step closer to finalising the report, which is to be submitted to UN's Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon by the end of May 2013.

Read more at Andric Piebalgs Member of the European Commission

Migration, Post- 2015 Development Goals, And the KNOMAD

Even as the US media is in a frenzy about comprehensive immigration reforms - long overdue, but in terms of detail, still more forest than trees - there is another sense of urgency about how might migration feature in the post-2015 development goals (see my earlier blog). One reason for the urgency is the upcoming High-Level Dialogue on Migration and Development at the UN in early October 2013: this meeting could successfully advocate the crucial role played by migration in impacting global development, and it could even suggest one or two goals or metrics for the post-2015 development goals.

Last week I attended a series of meetings on this topic at the UN (for example, the second roundtable organized by the IOM, UN DESA and UNFPA). In my powerpoint presentation, I made the following points:

Read more at People Move: A blog about migration, remittances, and development


UNCTAD to lead post- 2015 e- discussion on development- led globalisation

Consultations on growth and employment are being coordinated by an advisory group consisting of staff from the United Nations Development Programme, the International Labour Organization, UNCTAD, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and UN Women, as well as representatives of other international and civil society organizations.

The thematic e-discussion on development-led globalization will be led by UNCTAD from 25 January to 22 February 2013, and will be moderated by Ralf Peters and Amelia Santos-Paulino (from UNCTAD) and Jayati Ghosh (from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi).

The e-discussion has been launched on the World We Want 2015 website, as part of the Global Consultation on Growth and Employment for the post-2015 development agenda.

The e-discussion aims at advancing thinking in four areas:

Read more at United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

Consultations in Viet Nam on the post- 2015 development agenda

The United Nations in Viet Nam has initiated a series of consultations with a broad range of Vietnamese citizens on the new development framework to be put in place in 2015, once the current Millennium Development Goals expire.
As part of this process, the UN is consulting with representatives from eight target groups to seek their views on the world they want. The eight groups include ethnic minorities, the urban and rural poor, people with disabilities, people living with HIV, young people, the elderly and the private sector.

Since the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were adopted by world leaders in 2000, they have helped to set global and national development priorities. With the MDGs expiring in three years, work has started at global, regional and national levels to define what kind of global development framework should be put in place after 2015. The UN is leading part of this work.

Read more at United Nations Viet Nam

New report on post- 2015 development agenda

Today the HoC International Development Select Committee launched its report on the post 2015 development agenda.

The current Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will expire in 2015, and the Prime Minister is co-chairing a UN High Level Panel to consider what should replace them. The Panel meets next week in the Liberian capital, Monrovia.
Commenting on the launch of the report, Chair of the Committee, Rt Hon Sir Malcolm Bruce MP, stated that 'the Prime Minister must use his influence to ensure that the goals are simple and measureable'.

Read more at UK CDS: UK Collaborative on Development Sciences

International Development Committee on Post- 2015

On 22 January, the International Development Committee published a report on the post 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In the report, the Committee supports Prime Minister Cameron’s emphasis on the eradication on poverty. Rt Hon Sir Malcolm Bruce, chair of the committee stated "Aiming to eradicate extreme poverty is ambitious, of course, but for the first time in human history it is also eminently achievable. The MDGs have been successful in halving extreme poverty, but progress has been very unequal. Now is the time to focus on those who have been left behind."

Read more at United Nations Regional Information Centre for Western Europe

Global Goals for Human Rights and Governance After 2015: Part II

Over the past fifteen years a nascent consensus has begun to emerge that some aspects of good governance and human rights are integral to development as both a means and an end. Although in the past it has been difficult for the global community to agree on governance and human rights goals due to both political disagreements and technical uncertainties around measurement, it is indeed technically feasible, and increasingly politically possible on a global stage, to include governance and human rights goals and targets as part of post-2015 development priorities.

Global development goals should meet four criteria.

Read more at Council on Foreign Relations

The World We Want: Next Development Agenda Post- 2015

“Post-2015 development agenda. Post-2015 goals. The next development agenda post 2015.” Ring a bell? Sound familiar?

The international community is talking a lot about what development will look like post the Millennium Development Goals in 2015. Of great concern to UNAIDS/us is making sure that HIV, and the response to it, remain a central feature in the Post-2015 agenda. Why? Because the global HIV epidemic remains one of the world’s leading causes of early death and is both a driver and consequence of inequality and social injustice. The AIDS response has also been a pioneer and pathfinder on many fronts, and the innovation, dynamism, community leadership and global solidarity that characterizes the AIDS movement can make critical contributions to doing health and development differently in the Post-2015 era.

Read more at Global Network of People Living with HIV

Universal health coverage and the Post- 2015 Development Agenda

Worldwide, about 150 million people a year face catastrophic healthcare costs because of direct payments such as user fees, while 100 million are driven below the poverty line. To the extent that people are covered by a risk pooling mechanism, their out-of-pocket expenditure will not cause financial hardship. Out-of-pocket expenditure for health also illuminates inequities in that richer countries—and richer populations within those countries—tend to have lower out-of-pocket expenditure.3 Additional indicators of access are needed for coverage, and experts at WHO are leading a working group on this challenging issue.
Read more at Rockerfeller Foundation

Towards a Just and Transformative Post- 2015 Development Agenda

On January 22, 2013, IBON International, WALHI, INDIES, PCFS and APRN are inviting peoples organizations, social movements and NGOs from across Indonesia to a workshop titled “Towards a Just and Transformative Post-2015 Development Agenda”
The workshop’s objectives are:

1. To discuss the challenge of sustainable development in the global and Indonesian context
2. To provide a background on the United Nation’s roadmap towards a post-2015 development framework
3. To present the Campaign on Peoples Goals for Sustainable Development (CPGSD)
4. To strategize how Indonesian social movements and civil society can campaign for a truly just, equitable and transformative development agenda for the post-2015 period

The Campaign for People’s Goals for Sustainable Development is a global campaign of grassroots organizations, labor unions, social movements and non-governmental organizations and other institutions committed to promoting new pathways to the future we want. Join the campaign at here.

Read more at Asia- Pacific Research Network

The Post- 2015 Development Agenda

Since the Millennium Development Goals were formulated, we have had a pretty historic global conversation about how developed and developing countries can partner to achieve an ambitious agenda – to eliminate extreme poverty from the planet, and at least halve it by 2015. We’ve seen a few areas that have really taken off. We’ve seen issues of disease control – including HIV/AIDS, malaria and immunizations for children – really making breakthroughs. In recent years maternal health has also made progress and we’ve seen a lot of success in primary education. In some areas we haven’t seen much success. In hunger, we’re still struggling. On the environment, the Millennium Development Goals actually had a pretty narrow definition and these issues have not been so well addressed.

As we look at the final 1,000 days to 2015, there are a few basic questions. One is how do we make sure that this last stretch goes as well as possible – how do we make sure we really maintain the momentum around doable propositions such as eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV and ending deaths from malaria? Second, while the world has already achieved the first Millennium Development Goal of cutting income poverty by half, how do we finish the job and end extreme poverty altogether?

Read more at World Economic Forum

HIV in the Post- 2015 Development Goals- Let’s Keep the Momentum Going

The International Development Committee (IDC) today publishes its Post- 2015 Development Goals report calling for a simple and measurable set of global targets to replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) when they expire in 2015.

With specific reference to health, the report states that “there is a strong argument that the post-2015 framework should include one overarching goal on health based on Universal Health Coverage, rather than the three health-related goals which feature in the original MDGs.  This should be done in such a way that the current vital emphasis on maternal and child mortality is not lost.”

Read more at International HIV/ AIDS Alliance

The Post- 2015 Consultations- Does Quantity Add Quality?

At the moment the average civil society organization can now choose to contribute to up to 11 thematic and 60 to 100 national consultations, each one of them using several outreach media – e-consultations, meetings, papers, expert groups, panels, twitter, video, facebook hangouts – multiplying the input opportunities ad infinitum..
In addition, the UN High-Level Panel on post-2015 and their outreach team have set up their own consultation mechanism consisting of a mix of meetings and on-line questionnaires.

Finally, there are still processes waiting to be established: the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the intergovernmental process who will ultimately negotiate the post-MDG framework.

Read more at Serpents and Doves: CAFOD policy team blog

One idea the world has not tried

There is one idea we have not tried: making job creation our number one priority. We have talked about it, but haven't really acted on it. It's a simple idea that could promote a sustainable recovery from the crisis now, and lead to poverty eradication in the future.

This is particularly timely as we start debating the post-2015 development agenda.
Originally, the 2015 Millennium Developments Goals (MDGs) did not mention jobs, but "full and productive employment and decent work for all" was eventually added as one of the targets to eradicate extreme hunger and poverty.

Read more at Aljazeera

Crowdsourcing the Post- 2015 Development Agenda

With the 2015 deadline for the Millennium Development Goals fast approaching, the United Nations is already planning its post-2015 agenda. But rather than looking inward, it has partnered with various civil society organizations, including Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP) and CIVICUS, to produce The World We Want 2015, a website that encourages discussion, solicits opinion and crowdsources on a global level. The conversations will be moderated, synthesized and presented to a high-level panel that will formulate an agenda based on this global feedback.

Read more at The Independent

UNAIDS Launches e- Consultation to Ensure AIDS remains Central in the post- 2015 agenda

UNAIDS is hosting an online consultation from January 21 through February 3 on the UN and Civil Society joint platform, "The World We Want," to determine a roadmap for global development after the 2015 Millennium Development Goals' target date. The publicly accessible forum is gathering diverse opinions on how to incorporate AIDS and health into post-2015 development plans, with a focus on the following three related topics: How the HIV epidemic will be relevant to the post-2015 agenda; how principles and practices from the AIDS response can inform equitable and sustainable health and development; and how decision-making, monitoring, evaluation, and accountability can be reformed in efforts to end the HIV epidemic.

Read more at The Body


The Open and Rocky Road Post- 2015

What values does a Yemeni journalist who fuelled the Arab Spring hold in common with a former principal of the U.S. National Security Council? And how in turn will they see eye to eye with a Jordanian queen, or the president of Indonesia?

The subjects of this riddle are meeting in Monrovia as part of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s 27-member High Level Panel of Eminent Person’s on the Post-2015 Development Agenda (HLP).

The purpose of the HLP is to lead the discussion around a new framework, the post-2015 development agenda, to replace the expiring Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The HLP’s work will culminate with an advisory report to Ban in May 2013.

The meeting, which takes place between Jan. 30 and Feb. 1, is the third in a series of four. Previous meetings took place in London and New York, and the forthcoming one will take place in Bali.
“This (meeting in Monrovia) is the HLP’s chance to hear the perspectives of a wide range of organisations and individuals in Africa about their priorities for a post-2015 agenda,” said Claire Melamed, head of the Growth and Equity Programme at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI).

“It’s important those perspectives are reflected in the final report,” Melamed told IPS.

Read more at Inter Press Service

An inclusive Post- 2015 Framework with some teeth!

Yesterday, I had the honour of moderating the roundtable debate on ageing and disability with my colleague AK Dube of the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities, as part of this week's meeting of the UN High-level Panel in Monrovia, Liberia.

We were joined by colleagues from ageing and disability organisations from around the world; and two members of the UN High-level Panel: Amina Mohammed, the UN Secretary-General's Adviser on post-2015 and Paula Caballero, Adviser to María Ángela Holguín, Colombian Foreign Minister.

Read more at HelpAge International

Invitation to Attend Dialogue Meeting on Addressing Inequalities, 18 February 2013

Participate in the Global Thematic Consultation on Addressing Inequalities in the Post-2015 Development Agenda and make your voice heard.

The Public Dialogue Meeting on Addressing Inequalities in the Post-2015 Development Agenda is the culmination of the Global Thematic Consultation on Addressing Inequalities in the Post-2015 Development Agenda, a joint civil society/UN consultation, co-convened by UNICEF and UN Women and sponsored by the Governments of Denmark and Ghana. The meeting is held in Eigtveds Pakhus, room III, in Copenhagen on 18 February 2013 from 9.00-15.00.

The consultation on addressing inequalities is one of eleven thematic consultations that the United Nations Development Group (UNDG) initiated in 2012. The aim of the Global Consultation on Inequalities is to review progress on the Millennium Development Goals and to discuss options for addressing inequalities in a new development framework after 2015.

Read more at Udenrigsministereit Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

Liberia: HLP Must Formulate New Global Development Goals

Our country, Liberia is currently hosting a United Nations High Level Panel Post 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDG) meeting. The 26-member panel was set up by United Nations Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon, in May 2012 to advise him on the Global Development agenda after 2015 (At the expiration of the current Millennium Development Goals).

High level Panel Must Formulate Clearly Defined and Achievable New Global Development Goals
The panel is co-chaired by Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Indonesian President SusiloBambangYudhoyono. Academics, diplomats and civil society leaders from all regions of the world are also here participating in the meeting.

Read more at allAfrica

UN Members States Begins Negotiations on HLPF

In the first informal meeting of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) on establishing the High-level Political Forum on sustainable development (HLPF), Members States and Permanent Observers convened to discuss its format and organizational aspects.

The consultation took place on 30 January 2013, at UN Headquarters in New York, US, convened by the two co-facilitators for the process, Cesare Maria Ragaglini, Permanent Representative of Italy, and Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti, Permanent Representative of Brazil. The consultation followed from the decision at the June 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD, or Rio+20) "to establish a universal, intergovernmental, high-level political forum, building on the strengths, experiences, resources and inclusive participation modalities of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), and subsequently replacing the Commission."

Noting that the HLPF was one of the key outcomes of Rio+20, Ragaglini said the meeting should allow delegates to express their initial views on modalities and format of the HLPF. He requested, inter alia, conducting the negotiations in an inclusive and transparent manner and avoiding reopening agreements reached in Rio. He said that Major Groups will be engaged in the process and negotiations should be concluded by May 2013, in order for the HLPF to start at the beginning of the 68th session of the UNGA.

Read more at Sustainable Development Policy &  Practice

It’s time the UN reviewed development goals

The countdown to the post-Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) agenda is a time for debate about how the development community and countries around the world should collaborate on improving wellbeing, sustainability and social justice from 2015.

Look beyond the proposals and the wrangling over priorities, imagine a new development framework in place and fast-forward two decades: how many questions will we be able to answer about what has and hasn’t worked?

The value of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) is clear when we reflect on progress made in the past decade or so: with the benefit of hindsight, answering questions about the MDGs’ impact has been far from straightforward.

Read more at Business Daily

CIVICUS urges Zambia to guarantee an enabling environment for Civil Society

Johannesburg. 8 February 2013. CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation expresses serious concerns on the escalating campaign to silence independent dissent in Zambia, calling on the government to take immediate steps to protect media and civil society freedoms.

A number of civil society organizations advocating for greater civic engagement in Zambia’s ongoing constitution-making process have recently been threatened with deregistration. Moreover, in an apparent attempt to suppress voices critical of President Michael Sata and the ruling Patriotic Front, several journalists and political activists have been arrested on various charges including defamation of the President and operating unsanctioned media outlets.

On 26 December 2012, the Office of Registrar of Societies informed the Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP), a non-governmental organization established in 1992 to promote and strengthen democratic governance in Zambia, that their registration would be discontinued in 28 days. The letter, which was sent without prior notification, reportedly makes several unfounded allegations of organisational misconduct including “pursuing objectives contrary to the objectives for which [FODEP] was formed” and “failing to furnish [the Office of Registrar of Societies] of such duly audited accounts”. FODEP has since issued an exhaustive response questioning the validity of the Office of Registrar of Societies’ assertions.  

RI’s Reemergence through Summit Diplomacy

Early in February, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono will join UK Prime Minister David Cameron and Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf in Monrovia, Liberia, in leading the third UN High-Level Panel Meeting for the Post 2015 Development Agenda discussions.

The discussions will continue in Bali in March, before a report is produced for the UN Secretary General in May, to serve as a basis for a new development agenda. Following the meeting in Africa, the President is expected to join the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Summit in Cairo to address the needs of the Ummah.

Later in 2013, he will join G20 leaders in St Petersburg to discuss economic inclusiveness and development at the premier forum for international economic cooperation.

Read more at The Jakarta Post  

Liberia: This is the time to act! Woods Cautions

Public Works Minister, Samuel Woods, II has told World leaders and partners that Liberians want action now and not words. Minister Woods said Wednesday when he made a welcome and opening remark at the occasion marking the Post 2015 Thematic Consultations on Water on the Margins of the Post 2015 High Level Panel of Eminent Persons that is expected to take place in Liberia.

"This consultation must be a call to action. This is the time to act; our women in the villages continue to suffer the excruciating perils associated with the lack of safe drinking water," Minister Woods said.
According to the Works boss, the growth, survival and development of the Liberian children continue to be impaired by lack of access to safe drinking water, hygiene and sanitation. So "they want action, not words, these consultations must respond to their yearnings."

In furtherance, Minister Woods said, Liberia is eager to demonstrate to the world that it is committed to reforms, and its agenda for transformation is on course. "We want to show progress, we want to consolidate the gains of democratic transition, respect for the rule of law and good governance".

Read more at allAfrica

Youths adopt Post- 2015 Development Vision

Youths from different organizations and communities have adopted a powerful post -2015 development vision in a two-day consultation workshopheld in Freetown.The workshop was organized by Young Men Christian Association (YMCA) in collaboration with Restless Development (RD) and Ipasas leading organizations from Sierra Leone to feed into the post Millennium Development Goal (MDG) agenda.

Outcomes from the consultation, according to the organizers, will be contributed to the framework that will be guiding future government policies not only in developing countries but also globally, on the ideas to ensure that any future development would recognize the role that young people play as assets and problem solvers.

One of the facilitators, Moses Johnson from YMCA said that the workshop was for youth to identify the issues and challenges in the MDG and see what gaps and how they could be addressed in the next development framework, which could be set after 2015.

He said young people will look at the MDG’s to see how far they can suggest alternatives that will replace them after 2015, adding that this workshop is among series of processes that various international organizations are undertaking to add youngpeople’s voice to the next development framework.

Read more at Awoko Business

Liberia: Time to Act is Now

"As we discuss, we should not forget that we still have two very important years left to consolidate the gains and accelerate our efforts to achieve the MDGs; in discussing about the future, we cannot forget that the time to act is now and that civil society has a critical role to play", Liberia's Gender and Development Minister has said.

Madam Julia Duncan Cassell told participants of the third High Level Penal (HLP) post 2015 Development agenda civil society preparatory meeting not to concentrate on the post 2015 development agenda, but should renew energy for greater action in the next two years of the climax of the MDGs.

According to her, the credibility of the post 2015 agenda depends largely on goals that are still achievable within the present MDGs.

Read more at allAfrica

UN’s Post- 2015 Development Agenda Under Discussion

On 30 January, EU Commissioner for Development Andris Piebalgs will take part in the second UN panel on post-2015 development agenda.

Mr Piebalgs commented, “the Millennium Development Goals have been instrumental in mobilising the international community towards key targets to fight poverty. As the 2015 deadline is fast approaching, we need to propose a new vision for the world to address key challenges ahead such as poverty, inequality or sustainable development.

The EU will remain at the forefront of this process and I hope to see post-2015 agenda more comprehensive and inclusive. This has to be an agenda that focuses on providing decent life for all people by 2030, irrespective of where they live.”  Moreover, Commissioner Piebalgs added, “I trust that this new framework will pave the way to empowering people so that they can lift themselves out of poverty once and for all.”

Read more at New Europe



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