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Diversity and Inclusion has become a hot topic within civil society in recent years which has prompted the sector to take a step back and evaluate its own programmes and operations.
AGNA: Sharing Lessons Globally to Scale up Domestic Impact
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By Jimm Chick Fomunjong, Head, Knowledge Management Unit, WACSI
Civil society organisations (CSOs) across the globe thrive on the implementation of best practices.
Youth movements and funders need to learn to understand each other better
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By Gioel Gioacchino, research consultant with CIVICUS
As a keynote speaker at a global gathering of a thousand activists and NGO workers in Belgrade in April, the host of a popular Serbian television spoof news show, Zoran Kesic performed 24 minutes of brilliant (and cathartic) satire.
Dear members & friends of CIVICUS,
The past weeks have been a busy but exciting time for a number of our networks and initiatives! We were proud to have hosted over 80 activists representing work on civic freedoms from across the world in Johannesburg in May for a dialogue with Clement Voule, UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association (FoAA).
Key Lessons from Testing Non-Traditional Development Approaches in Malawi
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By Dinah Sandoval & Alexis Banks, Root Change
This article is part of the #StoriesOfResilience series, coordinated by CIVICUS to feature groups and activists on their journey to promote better resourcing practices for civil society and to mobilise meaningful resources to sustain their work.
Webinar: “How to Resource Youth-Led Movements in the 21st Century”
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Did you know that most youth-led groups and movements operate with an annual budget of less than 10,000 USD? It´s known that young people in the activism and development sector in the Global South face significant resourcing challenges: little capacity to attract funding and comply with donor requirements; restricted social, political and economic spaces to participate and grow; extensive gaps between the funds available to serve youth versus those managed directly by youth, and significant disparities between the resourcing opportunities that target young individual leaders within groups and movements rather than to the group itself, just to mention a few.
UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association, Clément Voule meets with civil society to discuss threats to rights
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More than 80 representatives of civil society organisations, community leaders and academics met in Johannesburg on 30-31 May and on 3 June with the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Association and Assembly, Clément Voule to discuss the impact of restrictions on freedom of assembly and association on sustainable development.
ICSW 2019, New Board, Opportunities: Updates from Lysa John, CIVICUS SG
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For those of us who were in Belgrade a few weeks ago, it is hard to think of April as anything but the culmination of months of preparation towards the International Civil Society Week (ICSW).
On 17 May, the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia & Transphobia (IDAHOBIT), we will hosted a Youth for Diversity webinar under the theme "South-South experiences on the human rights of LGBTIQ+ youth.
With mentoring and incentives, CSOs venture into raising key resources and support at home
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By Yessenia Soto, Community Engagement Officer on Civil Society Resourcing, CIVICUS
The Change the Game Academy provides classroom training on local fundraising to CSOs.
Campaign to Whitewash Saudi Arabia’s Image Does Little for Women in the Kingdom
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By Uma Mishra-Newbery, Interim Executive Director of Women’s March Global, which is a founding member of the Free Saudi Women Coalition & Kristina Stockwood works with the Gulf Centre for Human Rights (GCHR)
This article was facilitated by CIVICUS as part of a series on the current state of civil society organisations (CSOs)
Amid a high-profile public relations campaign to convince the world just how much the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is modernising – highlighted in last year’s lifting of the ban on women driving – Saudi authorities continue their relentless persecution of women human rights defenders.
LGBTQI Rights in the Balkans: A Perpetual Struggle
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By Mawethu Nkosana, Crisis Response Fund Administrator at CIVICUS
Romanian Adrian Coman and his American-born partner Clai Hamilton had two major reasons to celebrate when they tied the knot last June.
Strengthening Civil Society Membership Platform
By Sin Putheary, Cooperation Committee for Cambodia, AGNA and CIVICUS voting organizational member
Coming from the largest and longest established membership-based organization in Cambodia, I have a privilege to be part of International Civil Society Week (ICSW) in Belgrade, Serbia while several other colleagues of civil society are not able to physically present themselves at the conference due to visa issues.
Have you been wondering what’s up withCIVICUS’ accountability actions? Are you looking for examples and opportunities to strengthen your own organisation’s accountability or connect with others to take more concrete accountability steps? Then, this blog is for you!
Delivering emergency help for targeted activists is easier said than done
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By Lesego Moshikaro and Yessenia Soto
This article is part of the #StoriesOfResilience series, coordinated by CIVICUS to feature groups and activists on their journey to promote better resourcing practices for civil society and to mobilise meaningful resources to sustain their work.
Hacia la construcción de nuestra Política Institucional de Rendición de Cuentas
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Por Gloria Gonzalez Navarro y Enrique Blanco Lozada (Asociación Kusi Warma)
Los cambios o impactos sociales suelen estar acompañados de adversidades de nuestro ambiente, las cuales evidentemente deben ser enfrentadas con esfuerzo.
The power of togetherness: standing against the shrinking space for action
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By Laura Brown, Movement and Network Capacity Manager at Womankind Worldwide
Last week I attended the International Civil Society Week (ICSW) conference in Belgrade hosted by CIVICUS.
Collaboration as currency, key to stop FGM in 5 communities in Nigeria
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This article is part of the #StoriesOfResilience series, coordinated by CIVICUS to feature groups and activists on their journey to promote better resourcing practices for civil society and to mobilise meaningful resources to sustain their work.
By Mouna Ben Garga, Innovation Officer CIVICUS
This article is part of a series on the current state of civil society organisations (CSOs), the focus of International Civil Society Week (ICSW)
Sometimes a peak into the future reminds us just how stuck we are in the past and present.
Shining a Spotlight on the Strengths & Challenges of Civil Society in the Balkans
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By Lysa John, CIVICUS Secretary General
This article is part of a series on the current state of civil society organisations (CSOs), which is the focus of International Civil Society Week (ICSW)
It is an incredible privilege to welcome you all to the ‘International Civil Society Week’.
Attacks on Media in the Balkans Sound Alarm Bells for Democracy
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By Susan Wilding, Head of Geneva, CIVICUS
This article is part of a series on the current state of civil society organisations (CSOs), which is the focus of International Civil Society Week (ICSW)
Anti-government protesters invading Serbia’s state-owned television station, demanding that their voices be heard.
Rise in Cyberlaws Across Southeast Asia Spell Bad News for Human Rights & Democracy
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By Josef Benedict Civic Space Researcher, CIVICUS
This article is part of a series on the state of civil society organisations (CSOs), which is the focus of International Civil Society Week
Around the globe, cyberspace has become the new battleground in the fight for the heart and soul of democracy.
In Diverse Southeast Asia, Growing Ethnic & Religious Intolerance Pose Serious Threat to Stability
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By Josef Benedict Civic Space Researcher, CIVICUS
This article is part of a series on the current state of civil society organisations (CSOs), which will be the focus of International Civil Society Week (ICSW).
As India goes to to the polls, will the people vote against the ‘politics of hate’
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By Alina Tiphagne, Human Rights Defenders Alert (HRDA)
In just under a week, the world’s largest democracy, India, will vote to elect and constitute the 17th Lok Sabha.
How resilient are our pilot partners to civic space threats?
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By Soulayma Mardam Bey and Jack Cornforth, CIVICUS
In recent years, “Resilience” has made its way into international development’s buzzword bingo board.
UN Declaration defends peasant farmers, but will it help stop attacks and human rights abuses?
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By Natalia Gomez Peña, CIVICUS Advocacy & Engagement Officer
This article is has been produced in partnership with CIVICUS in the context of the International Civil Society Week conference 2019, held this year in Belgrade, Serbia.
Human Rights Defenders Need to be Defended as Much as they Defend our Rights
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By Micahel Frost, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, and a speaker at the International Civil Society Week, 8-12 April 2019, in Belgrade, Serbia
This article is part of a series on the current state of civil society organisations (CSOs), which will be the focus of International Civil Society Week (ICSW)
They are ordinary people – mothers, fathers, sisters, sons, daughters, brothers, friends.
Grassroots Organising Points the way in Fight Against Rising Repression
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By Lysa John, CIVICUS Secretary General
This article is part of a series on the current state of civil society organisations (CSOs), which will be the focus of International Civil Society Week (ICSW), scheduled to take place in Belgrade, April 8-12.
By Patricia Deniz, Senior Research and Development Officer CIVICUS
Civil society, more than ever, is in dire need to reinvent itself, at least figure out how to be flexible, adaptable and resurgent in an ever-changing, uncertain and increasingly restrictive environment.
"Stubbornly optimistic": Reflections from Lysa John, CIVICUS SG
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It has been a little over 60 days since I took on my new role with CIVICUS and the question I get asked most frequently is: How does it feel to be SG? Fortunately, this query has an easy answer! It involves being reminded on a daily basis of the need to celebrate and reinforce efforts taken to defend and strengthen rights-based values and freedoms by individuals and organisations worldwide.
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Ochoa Ayala, Fundación 11:11, México
¿A quién no le gusta sentir que pertenece a un lugar, comunidad, espacio, algo? El sentido de pertenencia tiene que ver con la identidad que cada individuo va desarrollando a lo largo de su vida, da una muestra de quienes somos; por ejemplo yo, soy una mujer, joven, mexicana, activista, soñadora etc.
French | Spanish
By Jose Maria “Lloyd” Nunag, Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights and CIVICUS member from the Philippines
‘What does Diversity and Inclusion means to you?’
This is a question I have been pondering (and decluttering) in the last few years and even until now.
CIVICUS GLE Testimonial: Building communities for inclusive action
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by Vandita Morarka, One Future Collective, India
I was a participant at the Global Learning Exchange and the ensuing AGM held by CIVICUS in Montevideo, Uruguay, 16th December, 2018, onwards, representing One Future Collective.
By Mandeep Tiwana, CIVICUS Chief Programmes Officer
This January, the UN organised a much-needed dialogue in Geneva on the link between human rights and Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.
Civil society accountability in times of declining trust: CIVICUS’s journey
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By Merle Rutz CIVICUS Impact and Accountability Coordinator & Tamryn-Lee Fourie Impact and Accountability Lead (article on page 76)
Under attack about their legitimacy and accountability, CSOs defending citizens’ rights have to maintain credibility among their constituency and the wider public.
Remise en question des structures verticales de prise de décisions dans le secteur des Organisations de la Société Civile (OSCs) à travers l'amélioration des pratiques de redevabilité
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Par Gaetan Mertens (Accountability Lab) et Resilient Roots (CIVICUS)
Resilient Roots est une initiative de CIVICUS, menée en partenariat avec Keystone Accountability et Accountable Now.