Mohammed Ismail

  • Pakistan: Chronology of harassment against human rights defender Muhammad Ismail

    Prof Ismail

    Pakistani human rights defender Professor Muhammad Ismail, aged 69, is a prominent member of Pakistani civil society and the focal person for the Pakistan NGOs Forum (PNF), an umbrella body of civil society organisations (CSOs) in Pakistan. Since July 2019, Muhammad Ismail and his family have faced systematic harassment and intimidation from the security forces. Muhammad Ismail is currently in detention on trumped-up charges.

  • Pakistan: Civil society calls for the immediate release of Mohammed Ismail

     UPDATE 26 November 2019: 


    The undersigned members of CIVICUS, the global alliance of civil society organisations, and the Affinity Group of National Associations (AGNA) call for the immediate release of Professor Mohammed Ismail from pre-trial detention in Pakistan and an end to all forms of harassment, intimidation and threats against him and his family.

    Mohammed Ismail is a long-standing member of AGNA, a network of 90 national associations and regional platforms from around the world. He is the focal person for the Pakistan NGO Forum (PNF), an umbrella body of civil society organizations (CSOs) in Pakistan. His daughter Gulalai Ismail is a human rights defender who has faced persecution from authorities for her advocacy for the rights of women and girls, and her efforts to end human rights violations against the ethnic Pashtun people. She was subsequently granted asylum in the United States of America.

    In July 2019, Mohammed Ismail was accused of charges under the Anti-Terrorism Act in connection with the legitimate human rights work of his daughter, Gulalai Ismail. On 24 October 2019, he was accosted outside Peshawar Court by men dressed in black militia uniforms, who forced him into a black vehicle. His whereabouts remained unknown until the morning of 25 October, when he appeared in the custody of Pakistan’s Federal Investigations Agency before a judicial magistrate and brought with further charges under the Pakistan Electronic Crimes Act. He remains detained and his bail requests have been rejected by the courts.

    We are furthermore deeply concerned by credible reports we have received around the appalling conditions under which Professor Ismail is being detained which may amount to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. He has been denied medical care despite having multiple health conditions including a neurological disorder, dislocated discs in his back, kidney pain and high creatinine levels. He has also been denied medical care for his hypertension.

    Prior to his detention, Mohammed Ismail and his family had faced months of intimidation, including at least three raids on their family home in Islamabad, as well as threats of physical harm to Gulalai Ismail’s younger sister.

    The accusations against Mohammed Ismail are unfounded and appear to have been leveled by the authorities to silence Mohammed Ismail and Gulalai. Such judicial harassment and intimidation highlights the hostile environment for human rights defenders, journalists, and others in Pakistan to exercise their freedom of expression and be critical of the state.

    We, CIVICUS and AGNA members urge the Pakistan authorities to release Professor Ismail immediately and unconditionally, and to put an end to all acts of harassment against Professor Mohammed Ismail, Gulalai Ismail and their family and drop all charges against them. We also call on the authorities to take immediate steps to ensure that all human rights defenders in Pakistan can carry out their legitimate activities without any hindrance or fear of reprisals.

    1. PCS Palestine
    2. Hui E! Community Aotearoa
    3. Uganda National NGO Forum
    4. Plataforma de ONG de accion social
    5. Balkan Civil Society Development Network
    6. Botswana Council of NGO’s
    7. Réseau des Organisations de la Société Civile pour le Développement (RESOCIDE)
    8. PIANGO
    9. Network of Estonian Non-profit Organizations
    10. Instituto de Comunicación y Desarrollo
    11. Alianza ONG
    12. Samoa Umbrella Non Government Organization
    13. NGO Federation Nepal
    14. Nigeria Network of NGOs
    15. Scotland’s International Development Alliance
    16. Civic Initiatives, Serbia
    17. SOSTE Finnish Federation for Social Affairs and Health
  • Pakistán: la sociedad civil mundial pide la liberación inmediata de Mohammed Ismail y el cese de toda forma de acoso e intimidación

    Novedad sobre el caso a 26 de noviembre de 2019: 

    Los miembros abajo firmantes de CIVICUS, la alianza mundial de organizaciones de la sociedad civil y el Grupo de Afinidad de Asociaciones Nacionales (AGNA) exigen la liberación inmediata del profesor Mohammed Ismail de la detención preventiva en Pakistán y el cese de toda forma de acoso e intimidación y amenazas contra él y su familia.

    Mohammed Ismail es miembro desde hace tiempo de AGNA, una red de 90 asociaciones nacionales y plataformas regionales de todo el mundo. Él es el punto focal del Foro de ONG de Pakistán (PNF), un organismo que agrupa a otras organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC) en Pakistán. Su hija, Gulalai Ismail, es una defensora de los derechos humanos que se ha enfrentado a la persecución de las autoridades por defender los derechos de las mujeres y las niñas, y por intentar poner fin a las violaciones de los derechos humanos contra el grupo étnico pastún. Tras este episodio, se le ha concedido asilo en los Estados Unidos de América.

    En julio de 2019, en aplicación de la Ley Antiterrorista, Mohammed Ismail fue acusado de cargos en relación con el trabajo legítimo de derechos humanos de su hija, Gulalai Ismail. El 24 de octubre de 2019, fue asaltado fuera de la Corte de Peshawar por hombres vestidos con uniformes militares negros, que lo obligaron a subir a un vehículo negro. Estuvo en paradero desconocido hasta la mañana del 25 de octubre, cuando compareció, bajo la custodia de la Agencia Federal de Investigaciones de Pakistán, ante un magistrado judicial y se le acusó de cargos adicionales en virtud de la Ley de Delitos Electrónicos de Pakistán. Sigue detenido y las solicitudes de libertad bajo fianza presentadas han sido rechazadas por los tribunales.

    Además, estamos profundamente preocupados por los informes fidedignos que hemos recibido sobre las condiciones deplorables en las que se mantiene al profesor Ismail detenido, que puede considerarse como trato cruel, inhumano y degradante. Le ha sido denegada la atención médica, a pesar de tener múltiples problemas de salud, incluido un trastorno neurológico, discos dislocados en la espalda, dolores renales y altos niveles de creatinina. También se le ha negado atención médica para tratar su hipertensión.

    Antes de su detención, Mohammed Ismail y su familia habían sido objeto de actos de intimidación, incluyendo al menos tres redadas en su hogar familiar en Islamabad, así como amenazas de daños físicos a la hermana menor de Gulalai Ismail.

    Las acusaciones contra Mohammed Ismail son infundadas y parecen haber sido presentadas por las autoridades para silenciarlo a él y a Gulalai. Este acoso e intimidación judicial resaltan el ambiente hostil para los defensores de los derechos humanos, periodistas y otros actores en Pakistán que ejercen su libertad de expresión y expresan sus críticas al estado.

    Nosotros, miembros de CIVICUS y AGNA, pedimos a las autoridades de Pakistán que liberen al Profesor Ismail de forma inmediata e incondicional y pongan fin a todos los actos de acoso contra el Profesor Mohammed Ismail, Gulalai Ismail y su familia y retiren todos los cargos en su contra. También solicitamos a las autoridades que tomen medidas inmediatas para garantizar que todos los defensores de derechos humanos en Pakistán puedan llevar a cabo sus actividades legítimas sin ningún impedimento o temor a represalias.

    Areen Abu al rob, PCS Palestine
    Ronja Ievers, Hui E! Community Aotearoa
    Sophie Kange, Uganda National NGO Forum
    Marisa Gomez Crespo, Plataforma de ONG de accion social
    Ilina Neshikj, Balkan Civil Society Development Network
    Mpho Tapela, Botswana Council of NGO’s
    Siaka Coulibaly, RESOCIDE
    Kai Klandorf, Network of Estonian Non-profit Organizations
    Analia Bettoni, Instituto de Comunicación y Desarrollo
    Addys Then Marte, Alianza ONG
    Lavea Peseta. L.Nafo'i, Samoa Umbrella Non Government Organization
    Jitram Lama, NGO Federation Nepal
    Oyebisi Seyi, Nigeria Network of NGOs
    Jane Salmonson, Scotland’s International Development Alliance
    Maja Stojanovic, Civic Initiatives, Serbia
    Vertti Kiukas, SOSTE Finnish Federation for Social Affairs and Health
  • Pakistan: la société civile demande la libération immédiate de Mohammed Ismail et mettre fin à l'harcèlement

    Dernière nouvelle à propos du cas du professeur Mohammed Ismail: 


    Les membres soussignés de CIVICUS, l'Alliance mondiale des organisations de la société civile et leGroupe d'Affinité des Associations Nationales (AGNA) exigent la libération immédiate du professeur Mohammed Ismail de la détention préventive au Pakistan et mettre un terme à toutes les formes de harcèlement et d’intimidation et menaces contre lui et sa famille.

    Mohammed Ismail est, depuis longtemps, membre d'AGNA, un réseau de 90 associations nationales et plates-formes régionales du monde entier. Il est le point focal du Forum des ONG pakistanaises (PNF), une organisation qui rassemble d'autres organisations de la société civile (OSC) au Pakistan. Sa fille, Gulalai Ismail, est une défenseuse des droits humains qui a été victime de persécution par les autorités du fait de son plaidoyer en faveur des droits des femmes et des filles et de ses efforts pour mettre fin aux violations des droits humains envers le groupe ethnique pachtoun. Elle a, par la suite, obtenu l'asile aux États-Unis d'Amérique.

    En juillet 2019, Mohammed Ismail a été accusé d'infractions à la Loi Antiterroriste par rapport au travail légitime de sa fille, Gulalai Ismail, en faveur des droits humains. Le 24 octobre 2019, il a été abordé devant le tribunal de Peshawar par des hommes vêtus d'uniformes militaires noirs, qui l'ont forcé à monter dans un véhicule noir. Il reste porté disparu jusqu'au matin du 25 octobre, lorsqu’il a comparu devant un magistrat judiciaire, sous la garde de l'Agence Fédérale d'Investigation du Pakistan, et a été inculpé de nouvelles accusations en vertu de la loi sur la criminalité électronique au Pakistan. Il est toujours en détention et les demandes de libération sous caution déposées ont été rejetées par les tribunaux.

    En outre, nous sommes profondément préoccupés par les rapports fiables reçus au sujet des conditions épouvantables dans lesquelles le professeur Ismail est placé en détention, qui peuvent être considérées comme des traitements cruel, inhumains et dégradants. Il a été privé de soins médicaux malgré ses multiples problèmes de santé, notamment un trouble neurologique, des disques disloqués au dos, des douleurs aux reins et des taux élevés de créatinine. On lui a également refusé des soins médicaux pour traiter son hypertension.

    Avant sa détention, Mohammed Ismail et sa famille avaient été victimes d'intimidations pendant des mois, y compris au moins trois rafles dans leur maison familiale à Islamabad, ainsi que de menaces de blessures physiques à la jeune sœur de Gulalai Ismail.

    Les accusations portées contre Mohammed Ismail ne sont pas fondées et semblent avoir été présentées par les autorités pour le faire taire et aussi museler Gulalai. Ce harcèlement et cette intimidation judiciaire mettent en évidence le climat hostile où des défenseurs des droits humains, des journalistes et d'autres acteurs au Pakistan exercent leur liberté d'expression et expriment leurs critiques à l'égard de l'État.

    Nous, les membres de CIVICUS et de l'AGNA, exhortons les autorités pakistanaises à libérer le professeur Ismail immédiatement et sans condition, à mettre un terme aux actes de harcèlement à l'encontre du professeur Mohammed Ismail, de Gulalai Ismail et de leur famille, et de retirer toutes les charges portées contre eux. Nous demandons également aux autorités à prendre des mesures immédiates pour veiller à ce que tous les défenseurs des droits de l'homme au Pakistan puissent mener leurs activités légitimes sans aucune entrave ni crainte de représailles.

    Areen Abu al rob, PCS Palestine
    Ronja Ievers, Hui E! Community Aotearoa
    Sophie Kange, Uganda National NGO Forum
    Marisa Gomez Crespo, Plataforma de ONG de accion social
    Ilina Neshikj, Balkan Civil Society Development Network
    Mpho Tapela, Botswana Council of NGO’s
    Siaka Coulibaly, RESOCIDE
    Kai Klandorf, Network of Estonian Non-profit Organizations
    Analia Bettoni, Instituto de Comunicación y Desarrollo
    Addys Then Marte, Alianza ONG
    Lavea Peseta. L.Nafo'i, Samoa Umbrella Non Government Organization
    Jitram Lama, NGO Federation Nepal
    Oyebisi Seyi, Nigeria Network of NGOs
    Jane Salmonson, Scotland’s International Development Alliance
    Maja Stojanovic, Civic Initiatives, Serbia
    Vertti Kiukas, SOSTE Finnish Federation for Social Affairs and Health
  • Pakistan: UN Working Group concludes Muhammad Ismail was targeted because of his human rights work

    Prof Ismail Oct

    CIVICUS, the global civil society alliance, welcomes the conclusions adopted by the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention that found the arrest and detention of Muhammad Ismail arbitrary and calls on the Pakistan authorities to immediately and unconditionally put an end to all acts of harassment against Muhammad Ismail and his family.

    The UN Working Group, in its opinion adopted in September 2021, concluded that Muhammad Ismail was targeted for his human rights work and that his detention was in contravention of international human rights standards, particularly the Universal Human Rights Declaration (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), of which Pakistan is a state party.

    Among the key findings of the UN Working Group was that:

    • The arrest and detention of Muhammad Ismail was arbitrary falling within categories I (without sufficient legal basis), II (for exercising his rights guaranteed under the ICCPR), III (being denied of his right to fair trial), and V (for his work as human rights defender and his relation to his daughter, Gulalai Ismail).
    • He was subjected to enforced disappearance in the period between his abduction on 24 October 2019 and his appearance in court on 25 October 2019. The abduction of Muhammad Ismail on 24 October took place completely outside of established legal processes and with no judicial oversight, in violation of the requirement under article 9(1) of the ICCPR.
    • His right to challenge the legality of his detention under article 9(3) and (4) of the ICCPR, as well as his right to an effective remedy under article 8 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and article 2(3) of the Covenant, were violated.
    • His pre-trial detention for over two months (2 February to 15 April 2021) was not properly constituted and thus had no legal basis. 
    • His conduct falls within the right to freedom of opinion and expression protected under article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 19 of the ICCPR. 
    • He was detained in relation to both proceedings against him because of the peaceful exercise of his right to freedom of opinion and expression and to participate in the conduct of public affairs, and in violation of article 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and article 26 of the ICCPR.
    • He has been denied his right to a fair trial without undue delay in both proceedings.
    • He was detained on discriminatory grounds, that is, on the basis of his status as a human rights defender, his political or other opinion, and his birth and family ties, contrary to articles 2 and 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and articles 2(1) and 26 of the ICCPR.

    “The conclusion by the UN Working Group echoes concerns raised by CIVICUS around the arbitrary detention of Muhammad Ismail and the ongoing persecution against him. Human rights defenders in Pakistan should not be harassed and intimidated for doing their work and exercising their fundamental freedoms. Ismail’s treatment highlights the repressive environment for activists in the country,” said Josef Benedict, Asia Pacific researcher for CIVICUS.

    Muhammad Ismail, a Pakistani human rights defender and the father of women’s rights activist Gulalai Ismail, has been subject to judicial harassment since 2019. He is facing allegations of cybercrime for speaking against government institutions. He has also been accused of trumped-up charges related to sedition and conspiracy, as well as under the Anti-Terrorism Act for allegedly financing terrorism, publishing and disseminating anti-State material and aiding and abetting terrorist offences.

    In the report, the UN Working Group also noted with concern the charges reportedly brought against Muhammad Ismail’s spouse, as well as actions taken against Gulalai Ismail, his daughter, for her advocacy in support of the Pashtun community. It recommended that the government of Pakistan conduct a full and independent investigation on the arbitrary detention of Muhammad Ismail and to take appropriate measures against those responsible for the violation of his rights. The Working Group also called on the government to provide a remedy without delay. While the Working Group has sent a communication to the government of Pakistan concerning the circumstance, it has received no reply.

    “We urge the Pakistani authorities to comply with the recommendations from the UN Working Group, in particular by immediately ending all acts of harassment against him and his family and ensuring an independent investigation into the abuses against him,” said Benedict.

    “The decision by the UN Working Group shows clearly that my father was arrested for speaking up and supporting my activism. He has suffered tremendously over the last two years for this. I urge the authorities to drop all charges against my parents unconditionally. Speaking out for human rights is not a crime” said Gulalai Ismail.

    Muhammad Ismail is one of the faces of CIVICUS’s international #StandAsMyWitness campaign, calling for the release of imprisoned human rights defenders across the world.

    The CIVICUS Monitor rates civic space in Pakistan as “repressed


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